Who They Are

The IFSC is an international non-profit organization whose main objectives are the direction, regulation, promotion, development and furtherance of climbing competitions around the world. The IFSC is a member of ARISF, SportAccord and IWGA, and is officially recognized by the IOC. Recently, the IOC announced that Sport Climbing had been officially proposed as an additional event at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

What We Do

We work with the IFSC to bring their Brand to a global audience of engaged, informed Users.  We analyze the Marketplace, the Competition and the climbing User from a fresh perspective.  We are currently building a number of proprietary products and services which will increase the User’s awareness and engagement with climbing, and push the boundaries of this Olympic caliber sport.

Video Production

During the Bouldering World Cup event in Toronto, 2015 our team worked with the athletes to capture the raw, explosive, emotional nature of a world-class climbing competition.  Here’s a quick sample of what we captured.